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how to index wordpress website fast in search engines

How To Index A WordPress Website Fast In Search Engines in 2020


Not sure how to index a site on Google, Bing, and other search engines? Find out what it means and how to do it. Looking for information on How To Index A WordPress Website Fast In Search Engines in 2020. Have you just finished creating your new blog and can’t wait for all the pages to be included in the search engine results ( SERP )?

If the answers to these questions are yes then you are in the right place. In this article, I will explain how to speed up the indexing process of a site, so that in a short time all the contents of your site are present in the search results on Google. Are you ready to deepen the subject? Then make yourself comfortable and try to follow our guide. It’s nothing complicated, but with SEO you have to be careful and have some patience.

Often, you won’t get the desired results right away. Indexing a site is only the first step; then you will have to try to optimize your content and improve the positioning of keywords on search engines. As you can see, we are just at the beginning! Before going into the guide, however, I would like to clarify some terms and concepts, with which we often tend to get a little confused.


how to index wordpress website fast in search engines

What is the difference between indexing and ranking? Let’s find out right away because unlike many (who think they are synonyms), there is a big difference between these two terms.

By indexing, we mean the process by which a website becomes visible in the results of any search engine (Google, Bing, etc), regardless of the position obtained. By positioning instead, as the term already suggests, we mean the position that a site manages to obtain in the SERP of search engines. When you hear people say, ” improve positioning “, it refers precisely to that: optimizing a series of factors of a site, so that it obtains better rankings on search engines. Is the concept clearer to you now?


Did you then understand the meaning of this term? In practice, it means making a site visible to Google, making all the contents of your site available among the search engine results. Although generally, the indexing of a site occurs automatically, there may be cases where it does not happen or is rather slow; below I will explain a series of methods to speed up this process and quickly index your site, on Google, the search engine ” par excellence “, the most used of all, but also on Bing and the others.


To submit your site to Google, you must connect to this page and fill in the form that is proposed by typing the address of the home page of the site in the URL field (including the HTTP prefix, e.g. HTTP: //www.yoursite .it /) and if you want, a brief description of it in the Comments field. Then click the Add URL button and submit your report to Google (which should include your site in its index soon). Pretty easy isn’t it?


To submit a site to Bing, you can take advantage of the Bing Webmaster Tools service, which is a set of tools for managing websites. To do this, connect to this page and click on the Signup link, logging in with your MicrosoftGoogle, or Facebook account. If you are already registered, press the green Login button to log in. Now, at the top left, enter the URL of your homepage in the Add Site field, click on the Add button, and fill in the form displayed by also entering the URL of the Sitemap and other information requested. After, remember to tick the boxes relating to the acceptance of communications regarding any indexing errors of your site, and, to conclude, click on the Save button.

We’re almost there, don’t worry! The last step for Bing is to verify the ownership of your site. To do this, you simply need to download the .xml file you see on the Bing page, and upload it via FTP to your site so that it is visible at “ “. Make sure that the file is correctly loaded by trying to open the URL in question, and then press the Verify button by completing the procedure for indexing the site.


how to index wordpress website fast in search engines

Another valid method for indexing a site is to first create a Gmail account and register your site with the GSC, the famous Google Search Console (which until recently was called Webmaster Tools ). Once in the system, all you have to do is add the URL of the site and after a few days, you will have access to a flood of information about your website, such as indexing status, indexed pages, most requested queries, loading times of your pages, sitemaps, etc. To fully use this service, however, you must proceed to verify the ownership of the site; you have two options to do this, inserting an HTML code within the pages of your site or uploading an HTML file to the server.

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Also through the Google Search Console, if you have just created a new site or added articles to your blog, you can request Google to crawl by sending the URL in question. To do this, first of all, access the Google console, then go to Scan and click on the View as Google item. Now, write the URL you want to send to Google (the domain is already entered, just add the link after the slash), click on Retrieve and finally, in the drop-down that opens, carry out the CAPTCHA verification to prove that you are not a robot, and click on Send to index.

You can use this function both for sending single URLs (an article, a page), and to request the crawling (and therefore, the subsequent indexing) of an entire domain, by not entering anything in the URL and sending the basic one (eg ., already entered by default by the system.


If you want to index a site on Googlecreating a sitemap is critically important. The Sitemap is nothing more than a document, usually in.XML format, which contains a list of all the pages present on a site. The creation of this file is important because it allows the search engine all the pages of a blog, some of which may not be found during a normal crawler crawl (search engine software that has the task of crawling useful sites for subsequent indexing).

Among the most used online tools on the net, I suggest you try XML Sitemap or Free Sitemap Generator.


If you have just created your WordPress blog but don’t know how to index it on Google, you can use the same methods described so far. In addition, you can use specific plugins to create the sitemap, you don’t know which ones? Alternatively, I suggest you use Yoast SEO, the best SEO plugin for WordPress, thanks to which you can generate a complete sitemap of your site in a few seconds and send it to Google and other search engines. The plugin also allows you to connect your site to the Google Search Console. To do this, once installed and activated, go to SEO – Search Console; click now onReceive Google authorization code, enter it in the field below and finally click on Authenticate.



Natural links have always had a great impact (obviously positive), in the SEO field and in favor of the website that is mentioned. Even for indexing a site, this technique can be very valid. If your site is new and you aim to index it quickly, try to consider the idea of writing some Guest Post, that is an article completely created by us but published on another site (preferably themed with yours), within I change a link to the blog. Guest Blogging is a widely used practice, which has had a real boom in recent years; I recommend, if you decide to implement it, make sure you publish your content on trusted sites of a certain quality.


Who doesn’t use a social channel today? And what better way to speed up the indexing of your site by using Social Networks? As I explained to you, search engine bots crawl sites by following links. So that’s why I suggest you create a fan page for the site on all the most popular social channels ( TwitterFacebookLinkedinGoogle Plus, etc), and start sharing your content immediately. Also, enter a short description of your site with a direct link to the homepage.

This will definitely help you index your site faster. Do not you believe it? Test!

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how to index wordpress website fast in search engines

Have you followed our advice but you don’t know how to check if your site is indexed on Google? Very simple. Try searching for the URL of the site or any page on Google; if it appears in the results it means that it has been indexed. If not, it’s not indexed, so try waiting a few more days or submit the URL via the View as Google feature in the Google Search Console. Remember not to abuse this tool, the report must be made only once; Google does not always index a web page in a short time; sometimes it may take a few hours or 1 day, others a few more days.


That’s all, in today’s article we saw how to index a site on GoogleBinga WordPress blog. A fundamental process, which will allow your site to appear on Google, and which thanks to the advice seen today, will speed up this procedure. Also remember, that tools like the Google Search Console will also be useful in the future, because they will give you the opportunity to have a general overview of the progress of your site, how users arrive on your blog, what they are looking for, and above all, you in many cases it will allow you to quickly identify problems, such as malicious links to your domain, slow loading of your pages, etc.

And after indexing your site on Google? The next step will certainly be to optimize your content in the best possible way, trying to get a good ranking. But we will deal with this in the next article! For any questions or concerns, leave a comment.

If you liked the article and clarified your doubts, continue to follow us on the blog, alternatively, you can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.



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